· By Rob Sheeley

Buying your first turntable? Here's what to go for.

Are you interested in vinyl records and turntables but don't know where to begin?

You might be wondering what are some of the things you should look at when considering buying a new turntable...

When buying a new turntable, there are several things to consider. Firstly, the amplifier is an important component as it affects the sound quality. What cartridge does it have? Look for a turntable with a built-in preamp or one that can connect to an external amplifier.

Secondly, the materials used in the turntable's construction can impact its durability and sound quality. Look for turntables made with materials such as aluminum or acrylic.

Next, consider what comes with the turntable, such as a dust cover, cartridge, and stylus.

Finally, check for any additional features, such as USB connectivity for digitizing vinyl records, and ensure it is compatible with your existing audio system.

Look no further than the BackGroove CS-61 turntable system. As you are looking to become a first-time turntable owner, it can be overwhelming to navigate the vast options available in the market. However, the BackGroove CS-61 offers an excellent starting point for any music lover.


Why choose the BackGroove CS-61?

For starters, it's a beginner-friendly turntable that is easy to set up and use. It comes equipped with all the necessities and you'll need no additional equipment to start.


But what about sound quality?

The BackGroove CS-61 doesn't disappoint in that department either with its included 30-watt speakers that match the table. It has a good-quality cartridge and stylus that produce a crisp and clear sound. Additionally, the turntable has an anti-skate system that helps prevent distortion and skipping.


Finally, let's talk about style... 

The BackGroove CS-61 has a sleek and modern design that will fit seamlessly into some living spaces and become a statement piece in others.


In conclusion, if you're looking for an easy-to-use, good-quality, and stylish turntable system to start your record collection, the BackGroove CS-61 is a perfect choice.



Maybe you don't love the style or specs of our CS-61? Check out our other record player models here: https://backgrooverecords.com/collections/turntables-cd